电影的原声同样异常的优秀,整张推荐。我权衡了很久,选择了这首Lost Boys Calling。音乐如氤氲的雾气,烘托着演唱者浑厚温柔的嗓音,加上富有寓意的歌词,让人陶醉。而且这首歌本身也颇具传奇色彩,后面会给出解释。
这首片尾主题歌Lost Boys Calling由意大利电影音乐配乐大师埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone)制作,作词并演唱的是Pink Floyd乐队的灵魂人物手罗杰·沃特斯(Roger Waters),吉他手是Van Helen乐队当家吉他手Edward Van Helen,莫里康内亲自指挥。三巨头的合作为电影添上了最后浪漫的一笔,这首歌本身,也成为了一段传奇。有以上的这段介绍,还需要我说什么吗?
Come hold me now
I am not gone
I would not leave you here alone
In this dead calm beneath the waves
I can still hear those lost boys calling
You could not speak
You were afraid
To take the risk of being left again
And so you tipped your hat and waved and then
You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again
And in Mott street in July
When I hear those seabirds cry
I hold the child
The child in the man
The clild that we leave behind
The spotlight fades
The boys disband
The final notes lie mute upon the sand
And in the silence of the grave
I can still hear those lost boys calling
We left them there
When they were young
The men were gone until the west was won
And now there's nothing left but time to kill
You never took us fishin' dad and now you never will
And in Mott street in July
When I hear the seabirds cry
I hold the child
The child in the man
The child that we leave behind
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